Monday, February 21, 2011

Just some deliciousness

Do I like Paris? 

Hmmm... nah, definitely not enough chocolate!

What's this? A letter!? Let's see whom it's addressed to!

Hmm... I can't quite read that. Let's try again.

What's that? It's for a Mademoiselle Caiqian WU? Me? Mademoiselle?  SWEET!

Something I meant to remember but forgot to post here was something that happened a few weeks ago. My gardien (superintendent/caretaker) for the building I live in told me he needed to talk to me. Being the clumsy gets-in-trouble-easily girl that I am, I was scared that I was getting kicked out! So the gardien prefaces with "I  like you very much..." and tells me about how a trashcan I put in the bathroom was technically not allowed since "private property" weren't allowed in "public space", a.k.a. the shared bathrooms. All this while I'm wondering where I'll go if I lose the apartment. Then I zone in and hear "... I was so moved that I called my mother". Huh? "What day would you be free for dinner?". HUH? Apparently I'd just been invited to dinner for being a caring and inspirational soul. Huh, and all I was trying to do was have somewhere to toss my toilet paper. Hey, I never turn down a free home-cooked meal!

While we're on the subject of home-cooked meals...
Did you think that I could cook? No? That's alright, I didn't think so either. Until.....

What!? WHO made this? I DID? REALLY? 

Yeah, I was surprised that it wasn't burnt, too. 
 I don't even have measuring cups! I don't even have tablespoons! I didn't even follow a recipe! I just magicked some "creme fleurette" and some milk together with some butter and flour, with some garlic, salt, mushrooms, penne rigate, and chicken (ok, that was precooked)! What!? Ok. Don't worry, it probably wont happen again. I'll go back to eating my burnt foods now.

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